
Thursday, January 31, 2013

January instagrams (photography).

Overall, January was a beautiful month here. We had some rain, but we also had many gorgeous warm sunny days. Despite getting sick (twice! ugh) I still made it out a few times to get some pics of our fantastic city.

We had lots of blue skies. My friend from back home jokes that in San Diego "partly cloudy" means there's one or two small fluffy clouds floating around in the distance; today the weather on my phone said it was "partly sunny," and I didn't see a single cloud all day. We're spoiled here (you should see the fuss - and traffic - that a few drops of rain creates!).

We also enjoyed several stunning sunsets on the coast.


The boys and I have been doing alphabet activities this month, and we went on a scavenger hunt for the letter B. The next week I was sick, ate copious amounts of miso soup, and  looked longingly at the bottle of NyQuil that I couldn't have.


When I felt better, I decided to celebrate by heading down to the ocean. I happened to be there when the tide was very low, so I spent some time hopping around and taking pictures of the tide pools.


I can't wait to see what February will have in store for us. It should be an exciting and busy month. This weekend we're headed to LA to visit Matt's dad. Next week my mom and step-dad are flying out to visit, and we will have our baby shower. On Valentine's day we get to find out the gender of the baby, and later in the month Matt and I both celebrate birthdays!
Pin It I link up to these parties.

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