
Friday, October 5, 2012

Removing jar labels (testing Pinterest).

If you're anything like me, you have about a gazillion things pinned that you want to try out "someday." Well, last week I decided that "someday" had finally come for a few of those pins. The first one I tested was this pin from Don't Waste the Crumbs on removing stubborn jar labels.

Jars make simple and sweet vases when they are all cleaned up.

My friend Adriane is getting married next spring, and they are going with a rustic, romantic, outdoor wedding. For the flowers, they want to use reclaimed jars, so a good method for removing labels is of utmost importance. She and her fiance brought over some of the jars they had collected (and I added a few from my overflowing collection...), and we went to work. I'm happy to report that this technique was a big success! It's simple, requires very little work, and gets the job done - what more could you ask for?!
Time to soak

The secret potion to remove labels is something you probably already have in a cabinet somewhere. It's rubbing alcohol! Simply allow the jars to soak in the rubbing alcohol label-side down, then wipe the label off. You can then wash the jars with your other dishes to get the rubbing alcohol off. In the original post, Tiffany mentions that every label is different: some need to soak for longer (an hour or more), some soak up the rubbing alcohol even if the entire label isn't in the liquid, others need to be rotated during the soaking process. I just let all of my jars soak for at least an hour (hey, I got distracted talking about other wedding stuff), and rotated them all every once in a while. 

Wedding planning is so much fun!

I have lots and lots more jars to clean up, and I can't wait to make them all this pretty! I guess we all know what my big plans for the weekend are now ;)

Pin It I link up to these parties.

Also linking up with Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop. Prompt #4 Choose an item you recently pinned on Pinterest and…TRY IT! Was it a success or failure?


  1. How pretty! I'm going to start hanging on to some of my bottles now. I bet you could also do some of those cool swirly paint pins on those vases too!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing! I love how the jars turned out!



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