
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Folded paper stars (DIY).

The idea for these stars has been floating around in my brain for a while now. I kept searching Pinterest for something that matched my idea, but nothing was quite right. One night, I decided to just start playing around with a strip of paper to see what I could come up with, and this is the result. 

I love the way that these stars turned out. They would be perfect scattered around on a dessert buffet; you could string them together to make a garland; they would be excellent decor for Independence day, or a birthday; the possibilities are endless. 


1) Print out the template at full size (click on the picture of the template at the bottom of this post for a larger version, save the image to your computer, then print in landscape/horizontal orientation). The template should be approximately 10" long. 

2) Cut out the template, then trace it onto card stock. Each strip will make one star.

3) Cut out your strips. I found that cutting long V shaped notches (instead of just slits) made it easier to assemble the star (picture 1).

4) Fold the strip in between the notches (where the dotted lines on the template are - picture 2). Then fold the star together, slipping the notches into each other (pictures 3-5). Add a small piece of tape on the inside of the star where the two ends meet, if desired (they stay together without the tape, but it does make them a little sturdier).

I link up to these link parties.


  1. lovely! have to try them! :) thanks a lot!

  2. Gracias por la idea. Lo probaré.
    Un saludo.

  3. These were made many many years ago...They were dipped in was and hung on the christmas tree as an ornament...They are beautiful and last a really long time.

  4. simplest and the nicest star i've come across so far.. thank you :) definitely trying this one!

  5. Where is the larger template? I tried the one above but the final segment is too short to finish the star. Did I do something wrong?

  6. Thanks :-)


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